Our Miami Address service allows you to shop your favorite USA websites and receive your purchases at your home, work or our local office.
- We charge on size NOT on weight of your package.
- You can track your packages on our site at www.directfreightinc.com.
Courier Envelopes
0 to 0.05 CBF
US$2.52 / $6.85EC
0 to 1 CBF
US$5.00 / EC$13.58
1 to 1.5 CBF
US$9.00 / EC$24.45
1.5 to 2 CBF
US$13.00 / EC$35.32
2 to 2.5 CBF
US$17.00 / EC$46.18
2.5 to 3 CBF
US$21.00 / EC$57.05
3 to 3.5 CBF
US$25.00 / EC$67.92
3.5 to 4 CBF
US$29.00 / EC$78.79
4 to 4.5 CBF
US$33.00 / EC$89.65
4.5 to 5 CBF
US$37 / EC$100.53
5 CBF & Above
$8USD per cubic feet
Other charges
The port charges of EC$5.50 and a warehouse fee of $3 USD will be added to all packages.
- Shipments that require any special handling are subject to additional charges.
- Delivery charges for packages will be collected upon delivery.
Customs Handling
All packages that enter the country must go through customs and are subject to pay duties. Customs handling rates are set based on the package CIF value. To calculate duties for a package use our Online Calculator or ask Customer Service for help.
Direct Freight staff will clear and process packages through customs and transport items to office location.
(*) Note: Customers will need to provide the invoice for each package on shipping days in order to calculate import duties.